2022 Impact Report
DownloadEndangered Species Chocolate is passionate about redeeming typical business
practices into “doing good better” that leaves a positive and lasting ripple in our wake.
We love the truly delicious product we create, and we’re on a mission to seed joy
through abundant giving. By donating 10% of net profits to impactful organizations and
initiatives, they can continue in their amazing work to improve our world every day.

2022 Impact Report
DownloadEndangered Species Chocolate is passionate about redeeming typical business
practices into “doing good better” that leaves a positive and lasting ripple in our wake.
We love the truly delicious product we create, and we’re on a mission to seed joy
through abundant giving. By donating 10% of net profits to impactful organizations and
initiatives, they can continue in their amazing work to improve our world every day.